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Kimono from Spell/kyssjohanna.se

God morgon. Sitter hemma i mörkret och äter frukost, ska snart sticka till kontoret men jag är så seg denna morgon. Skulle gärna sova några timmar till haha. Men idag har jag massor att göra, förutom jobb så ska jag även gå igenom alla bilder från plåtnigen igår, fota lite outfit med Rami och sedan ska vi sätta oss och sätta ihop en video från alla klipp vi filmade igår. Så det är bäst att jag skyndar mig!

Ha en underbar tisdag allihopa ♥

// I’m having breakfast in the dark, I’m going to the office soon but I’m so slow this morning. I would love to sleep for a couple of more hours haha. But I’ve got a lot to do today, besides work I also need to go through all the pictures from the photoshoot yesterday, take some outfit pics with Rami and then we have to sit down and put together a video from yesterday. So I better hurry! Have a great Tuesday eveyrone ♥



Åh, den kimonon är så jävla snygg! Har kollat på den i evigheter men aldrig kommit till skott, haha.


Har just messat dig och frågat om du vill vara gäst i Jenny Strömstedts program. Hör av dig! Hälsar Lisa


Good morning and have a great day! I’ve been so slow this morning as well, felt like staying in bed the whole day :)


Hi there, really nice kimono. I was wondering what face products do you use, not makeup, just day to day routine for skincare, face moisturizer, under-eye cream…and so one:) Maybe you have some amazing secrets for such a flawless skin. Thank you. hugs

Laura D.

Hey Kenza! I love your blog!!
I wanted to ask you what studies have you done??
Thanks, xox


Hey Kenza! Would you please make a video where you show us how you make up your eyebrowns? That would be so nice!
And I’m so addicted to Tavares Top from ivyrevel, but I have no idea what bra to wear under it! So please I need your help!!!!
Love and Support!<3


great kimono, so lovely. you always look so good even when you are not getting enough sleep :D


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