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drawings by Zuzanna-1

Jag blir alltid lika glad när jag får sånt här på mailen! De här fina teckningarna har min läsare Zuzanna i Polen gjort. Jag har väldigt mycket läsare i Polen och jag hoppas att jag får åka dit en dag och träffa dem. Det är faktiskt det landet förutom Sverige där jag har flest läsare! Galet! Topp 5 är: Sverige, Polen, Finland, Norge, Tyskland. Följt av Storbritannien, USA & Frankrike. Så jäkla coolt!

// I always get really happy when I get this in my mailbox! These pretty drawings are made by my reader Zuzanna in Poland. I have a lot of readers in Poland (say hi now!!) and I hope I’ll get the chance to go there and meet them one day. It’s actually the country, except for Sweden, where most of my readers live! Crazy! Top 5 are: Sweden, Poland, Finland, Norway & Germany. Followed by UK, USA & France. So freaking cool!



yeah! Polish people love you! I hope you will be here someday! You have totally crazy and fashionable style! kiss;*


Hi kenza! Im from Poland and i read your blog every single day for more than 3 three years now. :) You are my big inspiration. Kisses!


Hi Kenza! Kisses from Poland.. :) I read your blog every single day for more than 3 years now, you are my big inspiration!


I’m from Poland too ;) Woooow, she’e really talented and two last pictures to the right are the best <3


Well said Kenza!!! We are waiting in Poland for you, come on, you have been everywhere but not here! :D Now its the turn you show urself here… Kisses from Poland!


The two smaller pictures resemble Kenza without being quite “Her”, but the two bigger ones are just simply amazing! You can see it’s her and no-one else, the eyes just have Kenza in them!

Oh, and don’t get me wrong, the smaller ones are amazing and impressive too.


hey Kenza!! what mascara are you using?? your lashes are perfect!! i want to have the same!! :P


Hej Kenza! Efter som jag läser din blogg dagligen så önskar jag att bilderna på vänstersidan kunde bli smalare så att jag ser hela texten. Jag vet inte om det bara är jag som har detta problem. Sjukt störande att de förstör bloggen… Aja bloggen i sig är bra och du är sjukt vacker! Kram


Polish readers say hi too! It would be great to see you in our country and say hi in person ;)


Hej kenza! jag älskar dig för du verkar vara en sådan underbar och omtänksam person, ville bara att du skulle veta att det betyder mycket för mig som läsare att du skriver sådana här inlägg då du blir lite djupare. för då gör det mig gladare att någon annan känner eller har känt likadant som jag har eller gör. kram på dig


I’m from Poland and I read your blogg since I was 17. It shows that dreams come true and life, that we live, can be really exciting. Just do what you love :)
You don’t have any idea how many readers you have in Poland! :)
Best wishes <3


Jag pluggar i Warszawa, hade blivit väldigt glad om du kom hit och hälsade på :P


KENZA !! I’m from Poland too and I’ve been following your blog for a long time now. I guess I went through every single post (though Google Translator didn’t do well in your earlier posts):p You’re just one year older than me, and you seem so mature, so caring and honest and just GOOD person and I believe you really are like that:) I also admire you for much you have achieved in such young age and surely you will achieved a lot more ;) Fingers crossed for everything you’re doing! Please come visit Poland, kisses !

rebecca sahlin

Jag kommenterar aldrig bloggar men måste bara skriva att jag är stolt över att du är svensk :) Du verkar så jordnära och är en bra förebild för tjejer eftersom du inte bryr dig om vad andra tycker och inte går på utseende som många gör. Det behöver tjejer nu för tiden! Fortsätt vara lika BRA som du är nu så kommer du gå långt tänkte jag säga men det har du ju redan gjort haha! Nej men du hjälper nog tjejer mer än vad du tror att visa admjukhet och självförtroende :) Kram


Hi! I’m from Poland too :) I love your style, we have very similar taste in clothing, so you’re my big inspiration :) Greetings!


I’m saying “hi”!! Yey!!! I’m so happy to finally hear that you even have a thought of visiting us!! Love <3


Hello Kenza, another Polish reader here ;) from Warsaw. If you’re ever here I’d love to be your tour guide around the most interesting places here!
I was just thinking, I would love to see you one day… then again… no, I’d rather become friends with you! Haha, this may sound strange… but then again, you sound like a person everyone would like as a friend. You are not only a pretty girl with sense of humour but one can see you care about others a lot! That’s why it’s been so upsetting to see bad memories haunting you, I hope you get over them soon.


I hope one day you will visit Poland;) Our country is really beautiful and not so far away;)


Hello from Poland. You’re so perfect that’s why we love you. Stay strong. Lots of kisses <3


oooo kisses from Poland! I hope that someday you’ll get here! It’ll be pleasure to meet you and see you, FINALLY! Maybe someday you’ll prepare a contest ‘one day with Kenza’ i want so badly spent a day with you and talk with you about fashion and everything. haha – my christmas dream ;)))


To naprawdę niezwykłe zobaczyć tyle komentarzy pochodzących od polskich czytelniczek :) Pozdrawiam Was dziewczyny!
Kenza, I wrote one sentence in Polish, but this is amazing that I met here so many girls from Poland! Greetings for You and Polish readers.
We really love you :*


hahaha I felt so lonely just now. I am from Brazil and I’ve been reading your blog daily for at least SIX YEARS. How’s that for crazy? :)
Anyways, hi, yo!


Hej Kenza,

du nämnde i något inlägg att du köpt nya skor som du tyvärr inte kunde börja använda fören snön smält bort.

Kan du inte visa upp dem i bloggen i alla fall, det hade varit kul å få se dem då du har så otroligt fin stil :)


im from Poland too, and its true, here we have so many people who love you Kenza! Merry Christmas, full of love and joy <3


big kisses from Poland honey! i’m really happy that i can read you blog! you’re amazing person, thank you for everything xxx


Heyyy Kenza, cheers from Poland!
I just read your previous post and I had tears in my eyes cause it’s so moving and now I’m reading that maybe some day you will visit Poland.. I’m gonna cryyy!!! Lovee you :*:*:*


I think that Polish girls are really stylish and love fashion as you do. At least all of my girl friends do. Also wanted to say big Hi!:)) we’re waiting in Warsaw for you:))


Yay!! yessss that is truee we love you Kenza, Poland loves you!! let us know a few days earlier to have an oportunity to meet you too in our country! I would love to have a picture with you!! kissssssss


Hi Kenza! I’m also your reader from Poland. I have been to Sweden several times, especially in Stockholm, in hope to meet you by accident, haha. But it has never happened :( Soooo it will be nice to see you in our beautiful country! It only takes about hour by plane :D check this!

Your my inspirations.


Yay I’m so proud :) Hello from Poland! Get the ferry from Karlskrona to Gdynia and we can meet there! So much to do here, beautiful city and nice clubs!


Shit vad manga polska lasare du verkar ha!
Jag bor ocksa i Polen men jag ar svensk sa jag raknas inte, hehe :)


åååh vad fina! :D
– 17 år och CP-skadad
– Förlorade min biologiska pappa när jag var tre
– Egna låttexter
– Bilder
– Frågor och svar
– Håkan Hellström ikväll!
– Syfte med bloggen: Visa att inget är omöjligt!


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