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Man kommer till en sida som inte kan hittas om man trycker på here, bara så att du vet ;)


My worst fashion memory was one of the first times I got to choose my outfit myself. It was when I was 13 and for a friends party and I picked the most awful purple tights with a purple vest top and a white skirt, white cardigan and white plimsolls. My legs looked like purple crayons sticking out of a napkin! I’m glad my fashion sense has come a long way since then.
You’re new Ivy Revel range is great but since I have to pick two favourites, I’d choose the Tipp Blue and the Saline White.
Congrats on Let’s Dance by the way, you were amazing!
Shannon xx


Vilken underbar glädje! Du ser verkligen helt galet glad ut på de sista bilderna. Så skönt, kan jag tänka mig. Och oerhört modigt av alla er deltagare att dansa så avancerat i TV… Hade jag aldrig pallat:-)


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