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KenzaZouiten_breakfast-4 KenzaZouiten_breakfast-2 KenzaZouiten_breakfast-3 KenzaZouiten_breakfast-1

Det här huset är ett jävla skämt alltså. Haha! Aldrig sett något finare!!! Såg ni bilden på mitt rum på min Instagram? Nelly levererar! Ska försöka ta lite bättre bilder på huset sen. :-)

Nu har vi precis ätit frukost (till utsikten ovan!) och nu ska jag lägga mig ute i solen en stund. Vi har inget på schemat förrän klockan två idag så det blir lite slapp nu innan!

// This house is a freaking joke. Haha! I’ve ever seen anything more beautiful!! Did you see the photo of my room on my Instagram? Nelly’s treating us good! I’m gonna try to take better photos of the house later. :-) We just had breakfast (with the view in the first pic!) and now I’m gonna relax in the sun for a while. We have nothing on our schedule today until 14.00 so we have some time for relaxing!



I’m from Cape Town.That house looks gorgeous!Hope you enjoy you’re time here.


La vache qui rit ans kiri detected :D
Besaha kenza !!!

Fromo Morocco with a loooot of love


You’re so lucky and deserve it because you work hard! I always have to think about one of your posts where you said you weren’t happy and didn’t know what your purpose was…How with SUCH a life? Enjoy every moment!



Please tell me where this is? I’m from Cape Town and I’d like to go stay there. You can tell us the name of the place once you’ve left if you’re scared of stalkers haha


Det där ser helt underbart fint ut! Själv åker jag till Australien om två veckor, ska bli helt underbart!


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