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Check previous posts to see where my clothes are from. ♥

Tre snapshots från modeveckan! Har massvis med bilder att visa er, har inte hunnit sitta med dem idag… Men imorgon så! Bland annat på lite kläder från visningarna också, såg att några av er önskat det. :-)

Nu ska vi titta på Penny Dreadful (är helt jävla hooked! Ni som gillar filmer om demoner och besatthet (och Josh Hartnett!!) borde lätt se denna serie) och äta choklad. Puss!

// Three snaps from fashion week! I’ve got lots of photos to show you, I haven’t had time to fix them today… But I will tomorrow! I’ll show you some photos of the clothes from the shows as well, I saw that some of you asked for that. :-)

Now we’re gonna watch Penny Dreadful (I’m completely hooked! You should definitely watch this series if you like movies about demons and posession (and Josh Hartnett!!)) and eat chocolate. Hugs!



Hey Kenza, can you do a make up tutorial, also i LOVE your style
ps. Hello from Kosovo :D you have readers here too <3


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