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Photos from my Sunday. I’m wearing Adidas from top to toe. ♥

Igår låg jag, Shiva och Nadia inne typ hela dagen och hade bakismys med massa mat, snacks och filmer. Precis som det ska vara! Men idag kände jag att jag behövde komma ut lite i friska luften, hehe. Vi åkte in och mötte upp min mamma och Shiva och käkade brunch på Café Sirap! 3e gången inom loppet av en månad haha. Men det är SÅ gott. Sedan promenerade vi till Hagaparken och gick runt där, tog en kaffe och bara njöt av det fina vädret.

Mani ligger helt utslagen här nu, och jag & Aleks ska precis sätta igång och göra storkok som alltid på söndagar. Så jäkla skönt att slippa laga mat i veckan!

// Yesterday I was inside almost all day with Shiva and Nadia, we were hungover and ate lots of food, snacks and watched movies. The way it should be! But today I felt that I needed to be out in the fresh air, hehe. We went down town and met up with my mother and Shiva for a brunch at Café Sirap! 3rd time in 1 month haha. But it’s DELICIOUS. Then we went for a long walk in Hagaparken, had a coffee and enjoyed the beautiful weather.

Mani is completely exhausted now, and Aleks & I are gonna start with our big cooking now as always on Sundays. It’s so nice to do this so that we don’t have to cook during the week!



Looks like a perfect sunday! :) Unfortunatly I am sick so I had to stay the whole day inside! But your photos gave me like a little bit of this cozy fall feeling! :)
Puss :) Elena


Oh, which size of this bag? I was looking for Celine bag for some time but when i watched it in the shop it seemed huge for me( i thinl it was a regular size, but this once seems nice


Hi Kenza – LOVE your Adidas superstars :-) Please what size are you? Thanks Petroch


Lika härliga bilder som vanligt!! Kolla gärna in min blogg, har nyss flyttat till en lägenhet och bloggar om inredning, vänner, familj och givetvis mat. Kram!


I love this comfy sporty outfit! I have to say I`m following you on Instagram for a while now and decided to have better look on your blog and I felt completely in love with it/you!!!! haha :D I love your outfits, the way you write, that you post several posts every day, that you give us a little insight into your life….. you are such an inspiration for me, thank you for that and keep up the good work! :)

kisses Gio


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