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Efter att ha sovit bort halva dagen lyckades jag ta mig ner till stan..

// After sleeping half the day I managed to get myself down town…


…för en god bakis-lunch.

// …for a nice hangover lunch.


Med Dani och Shiva! ♥

// With Dani and Shiva!


Min balla jacka är från IvyRevel och jag gömde mitt trötta ansikte bakom mina Le Specs-glajjor. :-)

// My cool jacket is from IvyRevel and I hid my tired face behind my Le Specs shades. :-)


Sedan drog vi hem till Dani och Babak och bara myste i soffan, åt glass och tittade på film. Myste också med deras lille vovve, så himla söt haha. Nu är jag hemma igen och vi ska se sista avsnittet av Bloodline! Puss och godnatt.

// After lunch we went home to Dani and Babak and just relaxed on the couch, ate ice cream and watched a movie. I also played with their little dog, so freaking cute haha. Now I’m back home and we’re gonna watch the final episode of Bloodline! Goodnight babes.



hi. I am from Bosnia and Herzegovina, probably never heard of BiH, but it is a small country besides Croatian. I just want to tell you that you are very beautiful and I like the way you dress. Your clothes are great. in my country we do not have branded clothing. I just wanted to tell you that some of us who follow in smaller countries.

Nathalie Westerlund

Å! Längtar efter ny säsong!! Titta på “the 100”, tips på annan bra serie. Ge de två avsnitt sen är man fast! :)


Kinda tacky outfit for a lunch downtown. This is more appropriate for a beach town. Also, your nipples are showing but yo were probably aware of this.


Lovely pics. You look so pretty, I really love the scuba bomber jacket from your current collection. Such a nice colour scheme. Still thinking about getting the co ord :)
best wishes and lots of love


Hej Kenza!

Jag är ute efter att byta ut min systemkamera (CANON EOS 7D) mot en lite mindre kamera som är enkel att ta med i väskan osv!
Så jag undrar vad du använder när du tar bilder till bloggen, om du har något tips?

Hoppas du hade en fin helg, kram!


Hi Kenza! It is really nice to see everyday posts like this. It might seem to you like you don’t have anything interesting to post for us but it is actually so much fun to see what your everyday life looks like and trust me your posts are NEVER boring hehe. All the professional photos are great and we love to see your outfits but lifestyle posts are so much fun and make us really see the true you. I remeber back then you used to post more funny photos from the office etc… anyways keep up the good work and include more posts like this! Love from Slovenia <3


Hii Kenza, I read you gonna watch the final episode of bloodline!
If you’re looking for a new serie, i have a good suggestion for you: Brothers & sisters
I hope you will give it a chance!

Ps: That outfit look amazing on you!

Kisses from Belgium


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