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Beach ready in this beautiful crochet dress with little white sequins, from Finnish brand Katri/n. Sunglasses HERE (adlink), bag from Anine Bing, River Island bikini, sandals from Other Stories.



Jag vet att det ingår i ditt jobb att ta och lägga upp alla dessa fina bilder – men ibland när jag kikar in så tänker jag bara… HUR orkar du vara så snygg i den värmen?! En annan ligger på stranden med tovigt, salt hår, sand över-jävla-allt, rödmosigt ansikte av all sol och skulle i det ögonblicket minst av allt vilja ställa upp på bild!

Känns det igen? Ibland önskar man få se den sidan också bland alla fantastiskt härliga bilder ;)

Absolut inget illa menat med denna kommentar! Lite avundsjuka bara ;) Kram!


Hey Kenza ! I don’t think you will respond to me but I hope you’ll read this :)Im a muslim and I dont understand people complaining because you’re not fasting. Religjon is personal and I love people for who they are not because of their religion. I respect your choice and respect you. You’re a smart and kind person(beautiful too lol) you have feelings like us and you share your stories with us like friends do and I admire you for being that person. Kisses from France :*


Hey kenza, to be fair I’m a little bit drunk right now but I’ve never said something here so maybe this is by time! Don’t take those hate comments so serious! You are perfect just the way YOU are! NO PERSON IS IMPORANT ENOUGHT TO MAKE YOU ANGRY! Always remember that, just be the way you are cause you are beautiful! So many girls want to be what you are! Live your life! Why do you answer the little hate comments then appreciate the love commentes! There are million girls out there (like me) who love you the way you are! Always remember that! And like I said I am I drunk right know :DDD


Din blogg har blivit Sveriges sämsta, ytligaste och tråkigaste med tanke på hur bra den var för ett par år sedan. Nu skriver du vad du har för kläder på dig och så är det typ 25 milj bilder till varje inlägg. Lägg ned och satsa på IvyRevel eller vad du nu har på gång.. Du vill väl inte bli en föredetting som bara glöms bort som typ Engla?


Salam !
a lot of hate going on on your page now but allow me to say that the probleme is your attitude to the probleme !!
1 choose 5 of celbrities you like from diffenrent levels , now check there pages comments , am sure 5 out 5 have got bad commens going on !
2 now look at your career , give it a value , now think of all the difficulties you ve gone through to get where you are , then think during this time how many people around you stood or make it difficult for you .. you are not in that small circle of people anymore , you are rising big Kenza , and the only thing that will make you realize this , its only the negativity that you will get .. so you gotta back up your self , this is when you will need what you wrote on your tatto ( be strong girl ) the most .

now what is the use of writting a whole statut that adresses idiots to tell them they are idiots !! that is *stupid* of you but innocently stupid ,it came out of a someone who ve been through hell lot and still going through a lot and who in moment of shock expressed her heart ..

now that is the probleme .. You did define those idiots ,gave them time , gave them a statut , and gave them an IDENTITY . and that is simply all they are looking for !!

insulting people’s honor is the most dirty thing in Islam , and if they are doing really Ramadan they shouldnt check your page they should be praying or doing good deeds ..

You spend time telling your story , thinking everyone will unerstand , or you have a secret hope that most understand it but sadly that is surely not the case .. and people know you read the comments .. so they choose the easiest way ,, you rarelly aknowledge the good comments but once there are bad comments ..hop .. look! you wrote a whole statut ..thats all they wanted , yes there are there is that much hatred in people because most are failures ! most are product of a robotic society ! they hide behind there profiles and insult others ,because their lives suck thaaaaaat much that they ve got nothing better to do .. their voices are not heard , because they are not worth hearing thats why they chose you and others like you ..
so be strong girl , if you get to read these bad comments again am sure no matter how much you bann people they will still find a way to hurt , get strong , smile and move on , show positivity no matter what , post jokes , post funny videos from time to time , laugh with those who laughs with you , be thankful for those who take as a role model , be good to your family , and to YOURSELF most of all , dont let them hurt that easily because they are doing it the easiest way ..
the only way to fight them back is to ignore them ,never give weight to their comment ,afterall , they are rats hiding in their caves , trying not only to hurt you but to worsen the image of Islam , Islam is behavors manners and respect before all .
and am sure they are the first to follow your news , maybe fantasize about you too .. but what to do , we need this kind of people in the world , because they keep the balance inlife , if you know of the YING and YANG ..


Följ med i min nystartade blogg där jag visar olika delar av psykisk ohälsa.
Jag kommer skriva med glädje och med sorg. Det kommer inte vara en gnällblogg som många andra, utan jag vill verkligen visa att det finns glada härliga stunder också helt enkelt. Ni får gärna kommentera vad ni vill läsa mer om ångest. depression eller liknande. Allt gott Jonna http://www.glomaldrig.bloggplatsen.se


Kenza, did you notice the guy in the first picture? It looks like he’s creeping on you :p
Love the crochet dress though


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