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KenzaZouiten_h-2 KenzaZouiten_h_c-1 KenzaZouiten_h-1

Yesterday in New York and above the clouds over Stockholm. My awesome jacket is from shopjaydee.com

Igår när vi hade checkat ut från hotellet promenerade vi runt nonstop i typ 3 timmar. Ofrivilligt haha. Vi hade ju hört om burgarna/milkshaksen på Black Tap men när vi hade gått i värmen och äntligen kom fram så var det vääärldens kö. De som stod i mitten av kön hade redan väntat en timme. Vi ba ehhh nej tack. Så vi gick till den andra, samma sak där. Googlade fram Shake Shack istället, kommer fram.. Megakö. Haha någon ville inte att vi skulle äta burgare! Och vi var SÅ sugna. Till slut gav vi upp och gick in på Donken, haha.

Flygresan hem gick bra och när jag klev innanför dörren hemma idag möttes jag av blommor, choklad, jordgubbar och en glad hund. <3 Ska bara njuta av det som är kvar av helgen nu med Aleks och Mani innan jobbet på måndag!

// Yesterday when we checked out from the hotel we walked around like non stop for 3 hours. Unintentional haha. We had heard about the burgers/milkshakes at Black Tap but when we had been walking in the heat and finally got there it was the world’s longest line. The ones in the middle of the line had already been waiting for an hour. We were like uhhh no thanks. So we went to the other one, same thing there. Looked up where we could find a Shake Shack instead. We get there…huge line. Haha someone didn’t want us to eat burgers! And we were really craving for it. So we gave up and went to Mc Donalds instead, haha.

The flight home went fine and when I got home today I got flowers, chocolate, strawberries and a happy dog. <3 I’m just gonna enjoy the rest of the weekend now with Mani and Aleks before it’s back to work on Monday!



haha you could at least went for in and out…better than mc D ;)
is the jacket custom made?? i cant find the jacket with THIS print on the website :(
enjoy your rest of the weekend with your little family :-*

Kenza Z

Kenzas answer: Haha yeah I know but we spotted mc donalds right across the street and Shiva was already pissed of me for forcing her to walk so much so I had no choice…. ;-) Yes it’s custom made! xx


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