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Today in cozy sweater from Ivyrevel here (adlink)

Idag har jag hängt med männen i mitt liv! Först åkte vi ut till Ikea (igen) för att kolla garderober till vår walkincloset. Att fixa med lägenheten är ju standard på helgerna nuförtiden haha, känns som att det är det enda vi gör. Ni anar inte hur mycket jag längtar tills allt är klart så vi kan flytta in!! Efter att vi äntligen bestämt hur vi ska göra med garderoberna så käkade vi pizza & kebab och nu ligger vi på soffan och jobbar.

Mamma kommer snart hem från jobbet (som jag sa så bor de här i några dagar) och då ska vi göra tacos. Min bror har tagit hit sin speldator så nu har vi två, funderar på om man kanske ska ta och spela lite CS ikväll? Haha så SJUKT länge sen!! Blev verkligen sugen nu.

// Today I’ve been hanging out with the men in my life! First we went out to Ikea (again) to check out their closets for our walk-in closet. To fix with our apartment in the weekends have become a routine now haha, it feels like that’s the only thing we do. You have no idea how much I want it to be done so we can move in!! After finally deciding what to do with the closets, we had pizza and kebab and now we’re back home getting some work done from the couch.

My mom will be home from work soon (like I said they’re staying here for a few days) and then we’re gonna make tacos. My brother brought his game computer here so now we’ve got 2, maybe I should play some Counter Strike tonight? Haha haven’t done that in AGES!! I really feel like playing now.



What camera do you use?
You are my favorite blogger. :)
I can’t wait for your make up tutorial.


Something i noticed since your blog moved to your new platform is that i see your posts a lot later. i just saw your post just now although i have been here half an hour before. but on your post it says it was posted at 19.16 but it wasnt online at that time… :/


Vänta! Stopp! Stopp och belägg!!

Hur äter männen i ditt liv pizza?! Alltså.. luften är ju fri och så.. men.. men.. båda? Likadant? En triangel bara mitt i sådär?!
Nu blev det hjärnstopp här hos mig! :O


Your hair is perfectly toned in these shots – may you please explain what toner your hairdresser does to get such a perfect colour – not too warm, not too ashy.

– soph xx


Can you please fix the ivyrevel site so it can be used on iPads as well? I only have an iPad and cant use the site because of the first thing that pops up (its too big, and i cant remove it) ??


Haha, I used to looooove Counter Strike too. Take some pics of you playing it if you do!


Dear Kenza

you are definitely the person I look up to. You’re beautiful, inside and outside. Because of you I work out and try to enjoy life as much as possible. When I look at you, I think of a strong, sweet, funny person who loves to take care of herself and enjoy life. Those things has supported (if that is the right english word) me to do more with my life.

I am also moroccan, not 50% like you, but 100%. This doesn’t matter ofcourse. What I want to say is that you are so lucky to marry the person you want, to do the things you want and be the person you want. Ofcourse I don’t know you personally, but when I visite your blog everyday, I see those three things in you. On the other hand, I am not that lucky. And I know that there are a lot of girls out there standing in the same position as I do. I can’t marry the person I want (my best friend, I will never find a person like him) because he is no muslim. I can not always do the things I want because I am ”muslim”. Actually I am no muslim, but when you are born as a Moroccan, you are automatically a ”muslim”…. I really don’t know how longer I can take this. I wish I can just be just as free as you are. Mrarry the person I want. I am trying to forget him, but how can you forget a person you truly love? How can I say to him: ‘hey this will never work out because you are an atheist?’ (which I dont mind but my parents do). How hurtful is that?

My post is not a hate post are a jealousy post, I am a big fan of you and your blog. I just wanted to share my emotions, because once you have them it is not easy to let go.



Dear Noor,

please don’t let the society you live in surpress you or take away your freedom. Your freedom is all you have. In a world where there are many narrowminded people you seem to be a thinker. Never stop thinking and never stop questioning “the truth” that everyone else believes in.
Please keep in mind that the world is a big place. It is bigger than Morocco. There are many more people than just muslims. There are all kinds of people. I hope you will find your way in the world. Please stay strong. I am rooting for you! And I believe in you!

I also think that you telling him that you love him is such a nice compliment. Even though you might not end up together (even though I hope so) I think he’d want to know.

Lots of love,
from Sweden.


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