We’re having some really difficult technical problems right now with the order system and because of that we have to delay the launching of IvyRevel. We are extremely sorry for keeping you waiting. We are doing everything we can to make everything work as soon as possible. Please keep yourself updated on our instagram @ivyrevel for the new time.
You have no idea how hard this is for me to write, I’m literally sitting here crying out of frustration. I’ve been crying all day since our technicians discovered the problem haha, it’s been a long day with thoughts like “can we make it til eight or not?! can we? can we?!?!” I’ve been so stressed out the last couple of days working day and night, putting all my focus & time in this so when this happens it feels like I’m about to go nuts… It’s extra hard since I know some of you will be angry at me and blame me, but we promise you that we’re only doing this because we don’t want to give you something that isn’t 100% done, we don’t want to give you something that isn’t perfect. I know this is not the end of the world, but you’ve been so supportive and excited about this and it really sucks to keep you waiting even longer.
Our technicians will be up all night working on this so hopefully we will be back on track very soon!