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Jeans here (adlink!) // top from Nakd // belt from Topshop

Nu har det gått fem dagar sedan jag gjorde microblading (läs mer här!), det har läkt bra så idag vågade jag lägga på liiiiite smink på brynen. Känns så himla bra, är verkligen jättenöjd! :-)

På tal om något heeeelt annat haha, Madde och jag kom på en sån JÄVLA ROLIG IDÉ för att fira bloggens 10-årsdag!! Ni kommer älska det! Efter att ha läst era kommentarer och önskemål så kände jag att jag vill göra något som alla har en chans att vara med på, även de som inte bor i Sverige. Så det blir lite blandade saker. Nu ska jag bara försöka styra upp allt också haha!

Nu ska jag iväg och käka lunch och sedan ska jag hämta min syster och Anya på tågstationen. De är bara här till lördag men åh vad mysigt det ska bli!

// It’s been a five days since I did microblading (read more about it here!), it has healed well so today I put on a liiitle bit of make up on my brows. It feels so damn good, I love it! :-)

Speaking of something completely different haha, Madde and I came up with the BEST FUCKING IDEA EVER to celebrate the 10th birthday of my blog!! You’re gonna love it! After reading your comments and wishes I felt that I wanted to do something that all of you have a chance to join, even those of you who doesn’t live in Sweden for example. So it will be a couple of mixed things. Now I just need to organize it all haha!

Now I’m off for lunch and then I’m gonna pick up my sister and Anya at the train station. They’re only here until Saturday but it’s gonna be so cozy!


Luana Valentina Ramme

I love your blog! I read it every morning and night and you inspire me so much, with your style and also as a women! Thank you!


I discovered your blog after a recent first trip to Stockholm, and I have to say it was the best thing from my trip! I am reading now from the beginning and I want to thank you for how sincere and positive you are (even when going through tough times staying so honest and real). You are as beautiful inside as you are on the outside! I also very much respect your work in fashion and lifestyle blogging — you are a real artist! Best wishes for your success, marriage, health, and family sweet Kenza.


Låter spännande!!
Jag som bor ganska långt ifrån Stocholm hade jättegärna önskat att du kommer i en stad närmare Skövde någon gång :)


Att jag klickar in här och läser flera gånger om dagen och gjort det i flera år, men ändå kommenterar jag aldrig? Måste ju sätta igång med det :)


10 years omg! I started reading your blog back in 2009, and now it is part of my daily reading! It feels like i “know” you (?) for years! hahaha you are very special Kenza that’s why your blog is so catching, not like the other bloggers. YOU are an ICON of fashion and lifestyle, a completely role model.

regards from Spain!



Have fun with your sister and Anya!! I’m very curious about the way you’re going to celebrate the 10 year anniversary now haha, can’t wait!


Åh vad fint det känns att man kommenterade från Australien och att du läser och tar till dig. Tack Kenza, ser fram emot 10-års-dagen! :)


You are so beautiful! But I think your eyebrows look better without extra make up.


that is so exciting, i’ve been reading your blog since your first trip to Thailand, i dont even remember how i found your blog since it was so long ago?! at the time i didnt understand anything you wrote, because im from Mongolia, and was living in Beijing at the time, but later i discovered google translate and VOILA i was able to understand everything, even though google translate sucks sometimes! And after all these years now you write in english, vlog in english, so that us international readers are able to keep up with Kenza! haha…. now after so many years following you i feel like we grew up together! and im so happy for everything you’ve achieved! you are true inspiration to me! xoxo


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