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Summer plans:

Except for work I’ve got a couple of trips coming up! In July I will go to Båstad for a couple of days with my friends, we’re gonna hang out at the Summer on festival and party hard. ;-) When I get back, my sister and her kids will come to Stockholm for a couple of days! Hopefully the weather will be nice so that we can go to the beach. Later in July it’s time for our friend’s wedding in Greece. We will stay for a week in a villa with our friends. In August Aleks and I will actually go to Rio together with Adidas for the Olympics! We’ve always wanted to go to Brazil so I’m super excited. And it’s gonna be really cool to watch the games. I might also go back to New York in August as well but it’s not decided yet. Anyway, I will end summer in Croatia together with my three best friends! <3

Favorite summer drink:

Hmm well I love all drinks in the summer haha, but strawberry daiquiri really brings back some fun memories from my first summer trips abroad with my friends.

Most fun summer memory:

I have so many beautiful memories, but one that really warms my heart and that I think about a lot is those summers we spent at Åland with my grandparents when we were kids. I don’t remember much more than playing outside the cabins and the happiness (and the huge icecreams grandma always bought me haha). I don’t know why but those memories give me so much….comfort.

Favorite BBQ food:

I’m a very simple person when it comes to that, give me a KORV MED BRÖD (sausage in bread) with ketchup, mustard, cucumber mayo and top it with toasted onion and I’m happy haha.

My dream summer destination:

Greece or Italy, they’re both so beautiful and the food is amazing. As you know I also love going to Barcelona, and Ibiza!

Favorite summer place:

Our friend’s country house that we always go to every summer. I love going there so much because it’s so quiet and simple. There’s no water in the house, barely no phone reception which means no internet at all, and all we do there is reading books, going out on walks with Mani and eating simple food like meatballs with macaroni. I just love it there! We dream about getting our own cabin out there one day..

What I listen to this summer:

Well the songs that will definitely remind me of this summer is: One Dance, Panda and Can’t stop the feeling, maybe because they play them EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME. Feel free to share your fav albums at the moment! I need some new music to listen to.

Favorite summer scent:

The scent after it’s been raining is just SUMMER to me. And it’s also my favorite because rain means less pollen haha.

I’m really looking forward to:

I’m really really looking forward to finishing the renovation of our new apartment, because that feels pretty far away right now. We’ve bumped into a couple of issues so we probably won’t be done until September… Other than that I also look forward to our trip to Croatia! I’ve always wanted to go there, and I’m so glad all four of us (me, Mika, Nadia and Dilay) are finally going on a trip together again!! It’s been waaay to long.

Three things I love the most about summer:

Well as a Swede there’s no surprise that I mostly love the higher temperature, it just makes everything a bit easier and more fun. Like all the get together’s in the parc, the open air festivals & parties, going to the beach and having picnics. The second best thing is definitely the light! Here the sun sets after 10 pm and it rises at 3 am. Which is amazinggggg, but that also means really dark winters.. Ok let’s enjoy it while it lasts haha. And the third…. Well it has to be that it’s totally acceptable to be lazy as hell during the summer haha.

A little summer tag! Hope you liked it. :*


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Photos from our Midsummer yesterday! ♥

Igår var det dags för en av mina favoritdagar på året: Midsommarafton! Även om vädret inte var det bästa (det var iallafall varmt och uppehåll!) så bestämde vi oss för att köra på vårt traditionella knytkalas på berget hela gänget. Aleks och hans vänner startade traditionen för många år sedan, och när jag kom in i bilden så drog jag med mina vänner och sedan dess har vi firat där nästan varje år allihopa. Så himla simpelt och mysigt! :-) Det finns inget bättre än att bara sitta ett gäng vänner och snacka, äta mat och lyssna på musik. Vi fick även lite kvällssol, och på natten sprang några ner och badade men jag kände mig lite frusen så jag satt vid elden. Gissa om jag luktar rök idag, fast jag har duschat haha. Solen gick knappt ner inatt och det var helt ljust ute när vi promenerade hem vid 3 imorse. Underbara svenska sommar!

Nu ska vi iväg på kalas. Jag minns när Miranda (Aleks yngsta brorsdotter) var en nykläckt liten bebis uppe på detta berg, och idag fyller stora tjejen 6. Åren går så fort!

// Yesterday it was time for one of my favorite days of the year – the Swedish Midsummer’s Eve! Even though the weather wasn’t the best (at least it was warm and no rain!) we decided to go for our traditional picnic by the lake. Aleks and his friends started this tradition many years ago, and when we met I brought my friends with me and since that all of us have been celebrating there almost every year. It’s so simple and cozy! :-) There’s nothing better than just sit and talk with your friends, eat food and listen to music. We also got some evening sun, and in the night some of us went down for a swim but I felt a bit cold so I sat by the fire. I smell so much smoke today, even though I’ve showered haha. The sun barely set last night so it was all light outside when we walked home at 3 am. Swedish summer is amazing!

Now we’re gonna go to a birthday party. I remember when Miranda (Aleks youngest niece) was a newborn little baby up in these rocks, and today this big girl is turning 6. The years are passing by so fast!


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Skirt from Ivyrevel (adlink) // t-shirt from Givenchy // Adidas shoes here (adlink) // Céline bag // Prada sunglasses

Haha Mani på sista bilden! Det ser ut som att han är jätteglad. <3 Har ni haft en bra torsdag? Min har varit okej, gick hem från jobbet lite tidigare för att jag kände av halsen och har sedan dess legat på soffan och vilat. Nu ska jag hämta upp Aleks och så ska vi åka och handla all mat inför imorgon! Jävla skit att det ska regna här i Stockholm. Idag har det varit fint och på lördag ska det vara fint, men just på Midsommarafton ska det regna såklart. Klassikern! Det ska iallafall vara varmt så vi kommer köra vårt traditionella midsommarfirande på berget men sätta upp partytält om det inte slutar regna!

// Haha Mani in the last photo! It looks like he’s super happy. <3 How was your Thursday? Good? Mine was okey, I went home from work a bit earlier because my throat hurt again and I’ve been on my couch since I got home. Now I’m gonna pick Aleks up and then we’re gonna go and buy all the food for tomorrow! I’m so mad it’s gonna rain tomorrow here in Stockholm. It’s been nice today and it’s gonna be nice on Saturday, but on Midsummer’s Eve it’s gonna rain ofc. Classic! But it’s gonna be warm so we will go for our traditional midsummer celebration by the lake and put up a party tent in case it doesn’t stop raining!