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Jumpsuit from Aéryne here, earrings here (adlink)

Hej bloggen! Jag och Aleks tog en ordentlig sovmorgon idag, klev upp vid halv elva och gick ut på promenad med Mani och köpte med nybakat bröd hem. Sedan kokade vi ägg och gjorde äggmackor. :-) Nu sitter vi köket och går igenom lite bröllopssaker och sedan får vi se vad vi hittar på resten av dagen. Ikväll ska vi iallafall ut och käka och gå på bio!

Ovan har ni min look för fredagskvällen. Körde på prickig jumpsuit (älskar denna, tycker den är så himla fin!!) och röda läppar. Hängde hos Mika med hennes familj och vänner för att fira hennes examen och åt massa gott. Jag åt mest ost haha. Är helt besatt av brieost just nu, sämst för min mage men kan inte låta bli. Åkte hem strax efter 10 och somnade sedan framför en dokumentär om dödstraff i USA (Dödsstraffets offer – finns på SVT play).

// Hey guys! Aleks and I slept late today, we got up at 10.30 and went for a walk with Mani and bought newly baked bread with us home. Then we boiled some eggs and made egg sandwiches. :-) Now we’re sitting in our kitchen going through some wedding stuff and then we’ll see what we’re gonna do for the rest of the day. Tonight we have dinner and movie plans though!

Above you have my look for last night. I went for a jumpsuit with dots (I love this one, it’s so pretty!!) and red lips. I hung out at Mika’s with her family and friends to celebrate her degree and ate lots of food. I ate mostly cheese haha. I’m so obsessed with brie at the moment, it sucks for my stomach but I can’t help it. I went home around 10 and fell asleep infront of a documentary about death penalty in the US. 



Looks great and congratulation to Mika with the degree :)
A non-related question: How is the microblading you had done on your eyebrows? Do you still
wear makeup or are your brows completely makeup free?:)
I had microblading done 2 weeks ago with a new technique called magic shading, however after it healed it’s not dark enough..


Hi! I’ve been reading your blog for a long time now and noticed how you often complain about your stomach pain after food. I’m just like you! Sometimes I feel like I have everyday some kind of ache in my stomach and when we were leaving to New York I knew I didn’t want to suffer there BUT still wanted to enjoy all the hamburgers, pizzas and cola etc. So I tried a thing that I had read about some blog post: it’s a enzyme capsule that helps you digest all the shitty and inappropriate food (in Finland sold in pharmacys so maybe also in Sweden). Literally it’s a lifesaver!!

And the one I had, didn’t have any side effects so I could just take them when ever I felt like I need one (I took it always before eating a meal or big sandwich etc). Women at the pharmacy told me that people buy this a lot near christmas when we eat a lots of unhealthy food. It’s not medicine, it contains just the same enzymes that you have in your stomach so it’s easier for your body to digest everything (lactose, gluten, fat). There’s also capsules that helps digest only lactose or only gluten if you know precisely what causes the pain.

Give it a try! I was 10 night at New York eating all the shit I could and didn’t suffer even a once stomach ache.

The end.



Kenza!! kan du inte tipsa om outifits som är summerburst inspirerade?? vore så roligt att se


Kenza! What’s happened with your every sunday youtube video? :c I miss this.


Vart är dina videos? :'( snälla gör en tur i er nya lägenhet o visa din walk in closet o dina favoriter o visa superfina badrummet o dina favoriter. Vore kul on aleks va med också! Ni är så söta tsm :D o berätta mer om bröllopet!! O vad du tänker för namn på era framtida barn? ?❤️


Jag har exakt samma sug just nu, äter brie på mackorna varje dag till frukost och har gjort det i säkert 4 veckor nu XD


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