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Dress from Reformation // earrings from For love and Lemons // bracelet and necklaces from Sophie by Sophie // sneakers from Puma // bag from Cult Gaia

Här får ni en bättre titt på outfiten jag bar i Lissabon! En riktig sommarlook. Den här klänningen (och lite annat) köpte jag inne på deras butik i Los Angeles. De har sååå fina grejer, rätt dyra men prisvärda tycker jag. Vet inte om de har någon återförsäljare i Europa, måste kolla upp det för jag känner mig inte färdigshoppad där haha. Helst vill man ju slippa tull också. :-)

Nu ska jag ta en dusch och sedan börja göra i ordning maten. Ett gäng vänner kommer över för grillning på vår innegård!

// Here’s a better look at the outfit I wore in Lissabon! A nice summer look. I bought this dress (and some other stuff) in their store in Los Angeles. Their stuff are soooo pretty, a bit expensive but I think they’re worth it. I don’t know if they have any retailer in Europe, I have to look it upp because I’m not done shopping there haha. And it would be best to avoid custom duty. :-)

Now I’m gonna take a shower and then start preparing the food. A bunch of friends are coming over for some bbq in our backyard!



in january you wrote your goals for this year one of them was to run 10km. now i just saw you made the 12km. did you train for it the past months? because i know you wrote you never run more than 8km before and spring just started when you actually wanted to start training for the 10km. :D

btw would be cool if you copy the goals and then check them off either (like running 10km, visiting shiva in lissabone) and what you still need to work on. just a lil update after almost half year is gone :)


Reformation is one of my all time favorite brands! Yes, they are a bit pricey but I think it’s really worth it because they have a great selection of clothing items and they work on creating a sustainable environment for our world. I think that’s really impressive for a brand like this so I have no problem spanned a little extra money in order to support this. Before I realized the dress was from reformation, I thought it looked a awful lot like a blouse from them that has the same stripped print. I wonder why lol! I especially like the ruffles on this dress. Here is a link to one of my favorite dresses: https://www.thereformation.com/products/gwenyth-dress?color=Viola&via=Z2lkOi8vcmVmb3JtYXRpb24td2VibGluYy9Xb3JrYXJlYTo6Q2F0YWxvZzo6Q2F0ZWdvcnkvNWE2YWRmZDJmOTJlYTExNmNmMDRlOWM2



Vilken produkt och i vilken färg använder du för dina ögonbryn? Måååååste veta!! hahah help a girl out!


Åh älskar den klänningen! Har själv ett flertal klänningar och toppar från Reformation som jag använder jättemycket, tyvärr inga återförsäljare någonstans i världen :( Jag bor i London och har köpt alla online (med tull). De hade en pop-up här ett tag vilket var super bra (men farligt för min plånbok haha)


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