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Search Results: work out


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One of my favorites – falafel dinner!

Lite mysiga hemmabilder, det var ett tag sedan! Varken jag eller Aleks orkade laga mat efter jobbet (jag hade dessutom varit och kört ett spinningpass så var helt död) så ikväll köpte vi falafel till middag (köper alltid hos Kebabkungen på Odengatan. fett gott!!) Stekte lite halloumi till också. :-) Några av er har frågat hur det går med våra köttfria dagar… Det går upp och ner! Vi lagar nästan aldrig kött hemma (såvida vi inte äter tacos) och till lunch väljer jag antingen vegetariskt eller fisk, men det är svårt att undvika kött när vi grillar med vänner osv. Men vi har ändå dragit ner på det rejält, herregud jag minns när jag knappt kunde tänka mig att äta en pizza utan skinka eller frukostmackan utan salami. Det är lika gott utan så det är bara att skippa det!

Nu ska vi titta på Game of Thrones. Puss hörs imorgon!

// A few cozy at home photos, it’s been a while! Both Aleks and I were too lazy to cook after work (I was at the gym too so I was exhausted) so we bought falafel for dinner tonight. Fried some halloumi as well. :-) Some of you have asked how everything is going with our meat free days… Well both good and bad! We almost never eat meat at home (unless we eat tacos) and for lunch I always choose vegetarian or fish, but it’s hard to avoid meat when we have bbq etc with friends. But we have reduced it a lot, God I remember when I couldn’t imagine eating a pizza without ham or having my breakfast sandwiches without salami. It taste just as good without so just skip it!

Now we’re gonna watch GoT. Hugs!


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Köttbullar, bebismys och islatte, så såg min lunch ut idag! Klara (som är barnvakt, hon har inte helt plötsligt gått och blivit mamma hehe) kom förbi jobbet så jag tog en liten paus för att hänga med henne i solen. Visst passar jag som mamma? Haha men jag kan säga såhär, jag är verkligen INTE redo. Börjar tvivla på att jag någonsin kommer bli det, känner mig nästan obekväm med en bebis. Vet inte hur jag ska hantera dem, och ärligt talat tycker jag att de är så tråkiga innan de kan gå och prata (får man säga så eller kommer ni hata mig nu?) och jag vet inte hur jag skulle kunna stå ut med det i typ ett år. De är som små paket som bara ska bäras på hela tiden… Men antar att jag kommer känna annorlunda med mina egna barn och att man växer in i hela rollen som mamma. Eller så skaffar vi fler hundar och lever resten av våra liv med djur istället. ;-)

// Meatballs, cozy baby time and ice latte, that was my lunch today! Klara (who’s baby sitting, she’s not all suddenly a mom hehe) came by my work so I took a little break to hang out in the sun with her. I look good as a mom right? Haha but let me tell you this, I’m definitely NOT ready. I’m starting to doubt and I don’t know if I will ever be ready, I almost feel uncomfortable with a baby. I don’t know how to handle them, and honestly I think they are so boring until they can walk and talk (am I allowed to say that or will you hate me now?) and I don’t know how I would put up with that for like a year. They’re like little packages that needs to be carried all the time… But I guess I will feel different with my own kids, and that being a mother is something you grow into. Or maybe we’ll get more dogs and live with animals for the rest of our lives instead. ;-)



Summer plans:

Except for work I’ve got a couple of trips coming up! In July I will go to Båstad for a couple of days with my friends, we’re gonna hang out at the Summer on festival and party hard. ;-) When I get back, my sister and her kids will come to Stockholm for a couple of days! Hopefully the weather will be nice so that we can go to the beach. Later in July it’s time for our friend’s wedding in Greece. We will stay for a week in a villa with our friends. In August Aleks and I will actually go to Rio together with Adidas for the Olympics! We’ve always wanted to go to Brazil so I’m super excited. And it’s gonna be really cool to watch the games. I might also go back to New York in August as well but it’s not decided yet. Anyway, I will end summer in Croatia together with my three best friends! <3

Favorite summer drink:

Hmm well I love all drinks in the summer haha, but strawberry daiquiri really brings back some fun memories from my first summer trips abroad with my friends.

Most fun summer memory:

I have so many beautiful memories, but one that really warms my heart and that I think about a lot is those summers we spent at Åland with my grandparents when we were kids. I don’t remember much more than playing outside the cabins and the happiness (and the huge icecreams grandma always bought me haha). I don’t know why but those memories give me so much….comfort.

Favorite BBQ food:

I’m a very simple person when it comes to that, give me a KORV MED BRÖD (sausage in bread) with ketchup, mustard, cucumber mayo and top it with toasted onion and I’m happy haha.

My dream summer destination:

Greece or Italy, they’re both so beautiful and the food is amazing. As you know I also love going to Barcelona, and Ibiza!

Favorite summer place:

Our friend’s country house that we always go to every summer. I love going there so much because it’s so quiet and simple. There’s no water in the house, barely no phone reception which means no internet at all, and all we do there is reading books, going out on walks with Mani and eating simple food like meatballs with macaroni. I just love it there! We dream about getting our own cabin out there one day..

What I listen to this summer:

Well the songs that will definitely remind me of this summer is: One Dance, Panda and Can’t stop the feeling, maybe because they play them EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME. Feel free to share your fav albums at the moment! I need some new music to listen to.

Favorite summer scent:

The scent after it’s been raining is just SUMMER to me. And it’s also my favorite because rain means less pollen haha.

I’m really looking forward to:

I’m really really looking forward to finishing the renovation of our new apartment, because that feels pretty far away right now. We’ve bumped into a couple of issues so we probably won’t be done until September… Other than that I also look forward to our trip to Croatia! I’ve always wanted to go there, and I’m so glad all four of us (me, Mika, Nadia and Dilay) are finally going on a trip together again!! It’s been waaay to long.

Three things I love the most about summer:

Well as a Swede there’s no surprise that I mostly love the higher temperature, it just makes everything a bit easier and more fun. Like all the get together’s in the parc, the open air festivals & parties, going to the beach and having picnics. The second best thing is definitely the light! Here the sun sets after 10 pm and it rises at 3 am. Which is amazinggggg, but that also means really dark winters.. Ok let’s enjoy it while it lasts haha. And the third…. Well it has to be that it’s totally acceptable to be lazy as hell during the summer haha.

A little summer tag! Hope you liked it. :*